Hey folks! It's Friday, it's summer, nice weather, kinda hot but... couldn't be any better. And on Saturday, I'm headin' over to the
Hollywood Bowl for 4th of July. Woot! Woot! I love fireworks! They remind me of my childhood... how we always used to stock up on them! Like the smoke bombs! Killer bees! the glory torches!!! I could not get enough of them. I actually like the fireworks you use at home. The big bang pro ones don't give me the same nostalgic feeling. but still awesome to watch.
Anyhoo, speaking of nostalgic, here's a little sneak peek at what's to come.
ooh! can't wait! and fireworks here we come!!! we just renewed our disney passes and saw their new show too... it is filled with the old school feel-good songs. yay!